The Feminist Pessimist

Journey of giving birth to a girl in a world that just wants her to bake cookies for the boys.

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Location: Tulsa, OK, United States

Any opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily that of my employer.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Birthday, Blog

It was one year ago today I started this blog. I was prompted to do it because that morning we had The Ultrasound - when we found out we were having a girl. I immediately started seeing everything in this world through a newborn's eyes and hoped that I could be a strong female role model for her, and that her dad and I together could show her how a husband and wife could live together as true equals and partners.

My goals for her haven't changed. I want her to be happy and to have every possible opportunity. I want her to know that she doesn't have to fit into any certain mold, just because women are shown a certain way on TV and other ads. Just like I want her to know that women can do much more than cook and clean, I want her to know that there are many ways to be a strong woman and therefore no "right" way. And I think we're doing a good job so far. Here's a photo of her this morning.

From Emerson - Various

As you can see, she is sleeping in fire-engine pajamas in a crib with flowers on the sheets. Her peers at daycare wear lots of pink or blue only and I'm sure she hears a lot of seemingly good-natured anti-boy comments from the female daycare staff, so a lot of our work will be undone. But hopefully our words and actions, even the ones she hears and sees now, will be meaningful to her in the future as she chooses her friends, relationship partners, and educational goals.