The Feminist Pessimist

Journey of giving birth to a girl in a world that just wants her to bake cookies for the boys.

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Location: Tulsa, OK, United States

I am a software quality assurance engineer and manager for Statistica. I love math, programming, and problem isolation & solving. Any opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily that of my employer.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Why I'm dreading Halloween 2016....

Here's a clip my husband captured yesterday morning on CNN. He has always been a good feminist in my opinion, but he's kicked it up to a new level in the past few days. I hope that our daughter strives to be a real doctor or nurse instead of just wanting to dress up like a sexy doctor or nurse.

This clip raises many questions I have few answers for concerning women and power. Do powerful women have to dress conservatively? Or is it more empowering to wear whatever you want, even if it makes you look like a sex object? Was Condoleezza taken more or less seriously after the photo came out a few years ago with her in long black boots? Should Hillary be showing cleavage on the Senate floor? I argue that these wardrobe choices were distracting - obviously they were because these examples arise every time the subject of women being taken seriously in politics comes up. I have no idea what Hillary was talking about that day on the Senate floor, nor where Condoleezza was heading in her sexy boots.

The women who impress me in my life generally dress conservatively. If I can see that a woman isn't trying to be flashy in her dress, then I take her message and leadership more seriously. This is because I assume she takes herself more seriously.


Blogger Beta Bunny said...

If I ever have a girlchild I will be seriously tempted to homeschool her and dress her amish-style.

what's funny to me is that a man who showed his legs in the office, or wore an unbuttoned shirt, would NEVER be taken seriously - not to mention being hired in the first place. Why the difference? Why does Tom from accounting NOT show his clavicles while Lisa from sales is considered quite professional with a hint of cleavage?

What is it about mens' bodies that demands that they be covered up where women's are not? "Body hair" is the short answer. But I don't know...

November 07, 2007 4:47 PM  

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